
  • Whastsapp

Causal organism: Cyanobacteria

Host Grass Types
All turf types
Symptoms of algae appear in areas of thinning turf. In these areas, a green or black mat of growth is evident at the turf base. During periods of dry weather, this algal growth forms a dry, cracking crust on the thatch surface that repels water and impedes turf recovery

Conditions that can favour the development of algae

  • Algae are normally found in cool, shady moist conditions
  • Many species are capable of fixing atmospheric Nitrogen
  • Turf with poor density is susceptible to algae infestation
  • Causes of poor density could be under fertilization, over-watering, scalping from mowing and shady conditions
  • Algae damages turf in terms of aesthetics, competition, and via its mucilage excretions that seal the surface which then leads to reduced infiltration and decreased atmospheric gas exchange

Management strategy to reduce the likelihood of an attack

  • The first strategy should be to create an environment which is not naturally suitable for the growth of algae
  • Maintain the development of a dense and healthy sward with an appropriate nutritional programme and considerate use
  • Increase airflow and light
  • Increase water movement and infiltration
  • Adjust irrigation practices to allow surface to dry out
  • Using wetting agents with a good penetrant activity will help to remove surface moisture
  • Raise mowing height where possible to allow turf to outcompete algae
  • Use fertilizers containing ferrous sulphate will act directly upon the algae
  • Control thatch in a programmed approach
  • Regular aeration

Suitable brands to maintain turf health and reduce the risk of Algae are:

  • Sierraform GT
  • Greenmaster Pro-Lite
  • H2Pro


Preventative Strategy (Guidance Only)