
  • Whastsapp

Causal organism: Puccinia Spp, Uromyces Spp

Host Grass Types
Many species affected. Some affect many grass types while others are specialised
Orange/brown pustules on individual leaves. Chlorotic halo may be evident around pustule

Conditions that can favour the development of the disease

  • Warm/humid conditions
  • Low light intensity
  • Sufficient periods of leaf wetness (10 - 12 hours)
  • Most severe on slow growing turf
  • Usually indicates stress e.g. drought, inadequate fertilizer, shade

Management strategy to reduce the likelihood of invasion

  • Maintain turf health with sufficient nutrient inputs, especially towards the end of the growing season
  • The use of slow release fertilizer late in the season can help maintain nutrient availability and turf health going into autumn
  • Irrigate in the morning to minimise long periods of leaf wetness overnight
  • Provide good air movement on the surface of grass
  • Mow the turfgrass regularly and remove clippings if the turf is infected to reduce the number of spores
  • Mixtures of several compatible turfgrass species fare better against rust than turfgrass composed of a single species
  • Rarely needs fungicide control

Preventative Strategy (Guidance Only)

Curative Programme (Guidance Only)