
  • Whastsapp


  • Caused by an increase in salt ions; Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO4-2, HCO3-, NO3-, CO3-2 (at pH >9.0)
  • Salt ions come from; dissolution of minerals, irrigation water, fertilizers, soil amendments, high water table, salt water spray, insufficient leaching.
  • High soil salt levels cause the following problems: water deficit, ion toxicity, ion (nutrient) imbalances and poor soil permeability. Salt affected soils are classed as: Saline (high salts), Sodic (high Sodium) or Saline-Sodic (high salt and sodium).


  • Assess the site to evaluate potential risk.
  • Restrict salt addition through choice of fertilizer type. Use salt tolerant grass cultivars.
  • Leach salt out of rootzone.
  • Check (and amend if possible) water quality. Ensure nutrients are in balance.
  • Encourage good rooting.
  • Monitor situation and adapt as required (season specific).