Silvery Thread Moss

  • Whastsapp

Causal organism: Bryum argenteum

Silvery Thread Moss
Host Grass Types
Mainly close mown turf
Silvery moss patches invading close mown turf

Conditions that can favour the development of Silvery Thread Moss

  • The most common factors leading to the development of Silvery Thread Moss are: low Nitrogen levels, aggressive mowing practices, liberal irrigation
  • Other causes of moss encroachment: poor drainage, disease problems, shade, traffic poor air circulation
  • If the major causes of moss encroachment are not dealt with, even the best chemical control program will not prevent it from coming back

Management strategy to reduce the likelihood of invasion

  • Maintain turf health with sufficient nutrient input
  • The use of slow release fertilizer late in the season can help maintain nutrient availability
  • Avoid excessively low heights of cut, especially as growth declines in the autumn
  • Minimise damaging treatments (e.g. verticutting) during periods of stress
  • Aerate to relieve soil compaction and improve soil oxygen levels
  • Maintain a healthy growing environment with good cultural practice and maintaining good levels of light, airflow and drainage


  • Only use Jewel when there is active turf and moss growth, e.g. Mid April/May - September
  • Lightly irrigate before and after application
  • Tank mix Jewel with Effect Iron FE (with TMax technology inside) to significantly increase moss killing performance and enhance overall turf quality – see trial data below
  • Trials have shown that an application of H2Pro wetting agent tank mixed with Jewel/Effect Iron FE, has improved the control of Silvery Thread Moss
  • Do not apply to stressed turf, always follow label recommendations
  • For heavy moss infestations it may be necessary to apply two applications at 21 day intervals
  • Once the treated area has died off, scarify to remove the dead moss
  • Overseed the treated area with an appropriate grass seed to restore good turf conditions (following final moss control treatment)
  • Greenmaster Liquid fertilizer applications are recommended after renovation, to encourage new seedling development and aid restoration of the turf area
  • Products are tank mix compatible but are applied at own risk

Preventative Strategy (Guidance Only)

Curative Programme (Guidance Only)