Water logging

  • Whastsapp

Water logging

  • High rainfall events and winter flooding are becoming more common.
  • The risk of water-logging and flooding are more likely due to a number of factors:

-Poor soil structure reduces water holding capacity of soil.
-Poor ground cover increases potential for surface run-off.


  • Aerate the soil to encourage water infiltration.
  • Select grass seed cultivars with improved root growth
  • Encourage good rooting through good nutrition and managing soil structure. Ensure strong growing turf that will take up water efficiently,
  • Use slow and controlled release fertilizers to avoid nutrient losses and to avoid the need for re-application in wet conditions.
  • Raise height of cut prior to likely flood event to increase sward canopy and also to encourage deeper rooting.
  • If possible, use cut off drains to protect sensitive areas.
  • Contouring of surface levels (where possible) can help to control movement of water away from problem areas.
  • Aerate the soil to encourage water infiltration.
  • Encourage good rooting through good nutrition and managing soil structure.