• oxide
  • Prvky
Celkový dusík (N) 10%
Dusík N-NO3 3,9%
Dusík N-NH4C 5,0%
Mu 1,0%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 5%
Water soluble (P205) 3,7%
Potassium Oxide (K20) 20%
Water soluble (K20) 20,0%
Oxid hořečnatý (MgO) 2,0%
rozpustný 1,5%
Calcium oxide (CaO) 2,5%
rozpustný 2,5%
Železo (Fe) 0,35%
EDTA chelát 0,04%
Mangan (Mn) 0,07%
rozpustný 0,04%
Bór (B) 0,01%
Měď (Cu) 0,010%
Molybden (Mo) 0,009%
rozpustný 0,006%
Zinek (Zn) 0,030%
Celkový dusík (N) 10%
Nitrate nitrogen (N03-N) 3,9%
Amoniakální dusík (NH4-N) 5,0%
Mu 1,0%
Fosfor (P) 2,2%
rozpustný 1,6%
Draslík (K) 16,6%
rozpustný 16,6%
Hořčík (Mg) 1,2%
rozpustný 0,9%
Vápník (Ca) 1,8%
rozpustný 1,8%
Železo (Fe) 0,35%
EDTA chelát 0,04%
Mangan (Mn) 0,07%
rozpustný 0,04%
Bór (B) 0,01%
Měď (Cu) 0,010%
Molybden (Mo) 0,009%
rozpustný 0,006%
Zinek (Zn) 0,030%



  • Advantages
  • Directions for use
  • Recommended rates
  • Partly coated NPK fertilizer. Safe and efficient in use.
  • Low rates of phosphorus, compliant with European legislation on N and P.
  • Longevity of 2-3 months, but also quick 'greening effect' thanks to fast-releasing materials.
  • Full package of main and trace elements.
  • Complete delivery of nutrients in glasshouse soil.
  • Very good price/quality ratio.
Directions for use
  • Incorporate Osmocote Flower K into the soil before planting.
  • It is NOT recommended to use plant-hole application, because of the uncoated part of the granules in the product.
  • In case additional fertilizers are used, recommendations need to be adjusted. Please contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizers advisor for tailored advice.
Recommended rates
Target crop Application rate Application time
Cutflowers 500 kg/ha Before planting by incorporating the product in the soil

These recommendations are based on soils without any additional fertilizers. Please contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizers advisor for specific recommendations for your crops and growing circumstances.

Store the product in a cool, dry and ventilated place. As circumstances differ and as application of products is beyond our control, ICL Specialty Fertilizers cannot be held responsible for any negative results. With this publiucation all previously given recommendations expire. Before a new rate, product or application method is used, a small-scale trial is recommended.
Ask your local ICL Specialty Fertilizers dealer or the ICL Specialty Fertilizers representative in your country or area for more information or recommendations.

A full nutrient package for soil-grown cutflowers in greenhouses. Consists of coated as well as uncoated components for efficient fertilization and an immediate effect.