• óxido
  • Elemental
Nitrógeno Total (N) 38,0%
Nitrógeno ureico (N-Ur) 7,5%
Urea formaldehído (N-MU) 30,5%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 0%
Potassium Oxide (K20) 0%
Nitrógeno Total (N) 38,0%
Nitrógeno ureico (N-Ur) 7,5%
Urea formaldehído (N-MU) 30,5%
Fósforo (P) 0%
Potasio (K) 0%


Tamaño de gránulo


Osmoform High N

High N


  • Advantages
  • Directions for use
  • Recommended rates
  • Fine granules, easy to mix into the growing media
  • Quick plant reaction, nice greening up effect
  • Equal nitrogen release
  • Long lasting effect up to 8-10 weeks
  • Easy application
  • Dust free
Directions for use

Osmoform High N is specifically made for base dressing in nitrogen-fixating growing media. The nitrogen in the product releases over a period of approximately 8-10 weeks after application.

Osmoform High N contains 0.5 - 1.4 mm granules and is easy to mix into the growing media.

Store under dry conditions. Partly used or damaged bags should be closed well.

Recommended rates


Light feeding

Heavy feeding

Container Nursery Stock

1-1.5 g/l

1.5-2 g/l

Trial first on a small scale before rate, application or other changes in your cultural practices are implemented. 

Attention: as circumstances can differ and as the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL Specialty Fertilizers cannot be made responsible for any negative results. Contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizers advisor for tailor-made advice. 

The slow-release fertilizer for nitrogen-fixating substrates. The working principle of Osmoform High N is not based on a coating around the granules like with Osmocote, but on long nitrogen chains breaking down slowly. This process is influenced by temperature, microbiological activity and humidity. Osmoform High N contains purely nitrogen. The nitrogen composition is balanced to have quick plant reaction after application and a long lasting effect afterwards.