- Smart StartTM for faster establishment
- High adaptability to high temperatures
- Excellent tolerance to water stress and fungal pathogens
- Resistance to wear

Double Game

Double Game is a mixture of turf seeds for the professional, ideal for new construction of grassing technical / functional low maintenance input areas. It is recommended for sowing during summer in difficult marginal areas. The types of species and varieties used provide a high tolerance to heat and water stress.
- Advantages
- Seed Varieties
- 10% Lolium Perenne
Equate - 10% Poa Pratensis
Heatmaster Smart Start
Thermal blue Smart Start - 60% Festuca Arundinacea
Spyder LS
Avenger - 20% Cynodon dactylon
*varieties subject to availability
Double Game is a mixture of turf seeds for the professional, ideal for new construction of grassing technical / functional low maintenance input areas. It is recommended for sowing during summer in difficult marginal areas. The types of species and varieties used provide a high tolerance to heat and water stress.
Razdoblje korištenja
- Siječanj
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- Ožujak
- Travanj
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- Kolovoz
- Rujan
- Listopad
- Studeni
- Prosinac