• Oxid
  • Elemi
Összes nitrogén (N) 19%
nitrát-nitrogén (N-NO3) 12,0%
ammónium-nitrogén (N-NH4) 5,9%
karbamid-nitrogén (CO(NH2)2) 1,1%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 6%
Water soluble (P205) 6,0%
Potassium Oxide (K20) 27%
Water soluble (K20) 27,0%
vas (Fe) 0,06%
vízoldható 0,06%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,06%
mangán (Mn) 0,04%
vízoldható 0,04%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,04%
bór (B) 0,01%
vízoldható 0,01%
réz (Cu) 0,010%
vízoldható 0,010%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,010%
molibdén (Mo) 0,001%
vízoldható 0,001%
cink (Zn) 0,010%
vízoldható 0,010%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,010%
Összes nitrogén (N) 19%
Nitrate nitrogen (N03-N) 12,0%
ammónium-nitrogén (NH4-N) 5,9%
karbamid-nitrogén (CO(NH2)2) 1,1%
foszfor (P) 2,6%
vízoldható 2,6%
kálium (K) 22,4%
vízoldható 22,4%
vas (Fe) 0,06%
vízoldható 0,06%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,06%
mangán (Mn) 0,04%
vízoldható 0,04%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,04%
bór (B) 0,01%
vízoldható 0,01%
réz (Cu) 0,010%
vízoldható 0,010%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,010%
molibdén (Mo) 0,001%
vízoldható 0,001%
cink (Zn) 0,010%
vízoldható 0,010%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,010%

Special P


  • Advantages
  • Directions for use
  • Recommendations
  • Balanced NPK formula and trace elements
  • A versatile fertilizer
  • Dissolves quickly; ready for immediate use
  • Excellent value for money
  • Features the unique Bright Solution System
  • Contains 50% poly-phosphates
  • Product is pH-neutral and stabilized
Directions for use

Universol Special P contains 50% poly-phosphates. The product is specifically designed to increase the availability and uptake of phosphates by the plant. Due to its unique composure, the product performance and plant reaction is stronger than with conventional orthophosphate products. The product is pH-neutral and stabilizes in the solution. Due to the NPK ratio of 3:1:4, the product fits well for flowering crops. 

To ensure that this product dissolves completely, prepare the stock solution 1-2 hours before use, stir well or use warm water.


Mixing table for Universol Special P


Universol Special P

Calcium Nitrate


Potassium Nitrate


Magnesium Nitrate


Magnesium Sulphate


Phosphoric acid


Nitric acid


Other Universol’s


Other WSF NPK fert’s



Recommended Universol rates for pot and bedding plants


100 % Universol


50 % Universol

50 % Osmocote Exact

Crops with high fertilizer requirements

1-2 g/l

0.5-1 g/l

Crops with normal fertilizer requirements

1-1.5 g/l

0.5-0.75 g/l

Salt sensitive crops

0.5-1 g/l

Depends on situation

Recommended Universol rates for container nursery stock

Crops with high fertilizer requirements

20 g/m2/week

10 g/m2/week

Crops with normal fertilizer requirements

15 g/m2/week

7.5 g/m2/week

Salt sensitive crops

10 g/m2/week

5 g/m2/week



Trial first on a small scale before rate, application or other changes in your cultural practices are implemented. As circumstances can differ and as the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL Specialty Fertilizers cannot be made responsible for any negative results. Contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizers advisor for specific advice.

Universol, offered by ICL Specialty Fertilizers is the standard in water soluble fertilizers for potted, bedding and all container nursery plants. Universol has been trusted by growers for years as it always responds to the demand for high quality plants.


This item is not produced anymore and is replaced by Universol Special P, itemcode: 2045