• Oxid
  • Elemi
Összes nitrogén (N) 15%
nitrát-nitrogén (N-NO3) 6,6%
ammónium-nitrogén (N-NH4) 8,4%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 8%
Water soluble (P205) 6,0%
Potassium Oxide (K20) 11%
Water soluble (K20) 11,0%
magnézium-oxid (MgO) 2,0%
vízoldható 1,4%
vas (Fe) 0,40%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,08%
mangán (Mn) 0,06%
bór (B) 0,02%
vízoldható 0,01%
réz (Cu) 0,040%
vízoldható 0,024%
molibdén (Mo) 0,020%
vízoldható 0,014%
cink (Zn) 0,015%
Összes nitrogén (N) 15%
Nitrate nitrogen (N03-N) 6,6%
ammónium-nitrogén (NH4-N) 8,4%
foszfor (P) 3,5%
vízoldható 2,6%
kálium (K) 9,1%
vízoldható 9,1%
magnézium (Mg) 1,2%
vízoldható 0,8%
vas (Fe) 0,40%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,08%
mangán (Mn) 0,06%
bór (B) 0,02%
vízoldható 0,01%
réz (Cu) 0,040%
vízoldható 0,024%
molibdén (Mo) 0,020%
vízoldható 0,014%
cink (Zn) 0,015%



3-3 hónap hatástartam





  • Advantages
  • Directions for use
  • Recommendations
  • Full trace element package, elevated level of trace elements.
  • Fully coated NPK, Mg and trace elements, plants are supplied with all required nutrients during the whole crop cycle.
  • Good value for money.
  • High NPK content.
  • Safe and reliable.
  • Easy to use.
Directions for use

Osmocote Plus is also ideal in combination with water-soluble fertilizer. In this case, the mentioned application rates on the next page should be lowered depending on the amount of water-soluble fertilizer applied.

Osmocote Plus 12-14M is especially suitable for autumn and early spring pottings.

The longevity of Osmocote Plus 12-14M is affected by temperature.

(Product longevity is determined at 21º C)

16 ºC

21 ºC

26 ºC

15-17 M

12-14 M

9-11 M


Store under dry conditions. Partly used or damaged bags should be closed well.


Recommended application rates




Normal feeding

Heavy feeding

Container Nursery Stock

3-4 g/l

4-5 g/l

5-6 g/l



The above mentioned recommended rates are based on unfertilized substrates. Please be aware that these are general recommendations. Specific situations such as use in tunnels, green-houses, or specific climate conditions require adjustments. This product is not recommended for dibbling and/or autumn/winter pottings. Contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizer advisor for more detailed advice.


Trial first on a small scale before rate, application or other changes in your cultural practices are implemented. As circumstances can differ and as the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL Specialty Fertilizers cannot be made responsible for any negative results.

Osmocote Plus is a controlled release fertilizer with a high NPK content. The granules are fully coated and contain NPK, magnesium and all necessary trace elements. Osmocote Plus has a pre-defined longevity and can be used in a broad range of situations.