• Oxid
  • Elemi
Összes nitrogén (N) 11%
nitrát-nitrogén (N-NO3) 4,7%
ammónium-nitrogén (N-NH4) 6,3%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 11%
Water soluble (P205) 8,2%
Potassium Oxide (K20) 17%
Water soluble (K20) 17,0%
magnézium-oxid (MgO) 2,0%
vízoldható 1,0%
vas (Fe) 0,38%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,10%
mangán (Mn) 0,05%
bór (B) 0,01%
vízoldható 0,01%
réz (Cu) 0,110%
vízoldható 0,080%
molibdén (Mo) 0,009%
vízoldható 0,006%
cink (Zn) 0,014%
vízoldható 0,007%
Összes nitrogén (N) 11%
Nitrate nitrogen (N03-N) 4,7%
ammónium-nitrogén (NH4-N) 6,3%
foszfor (P) 4,8%
vízoldható 3,6%
kálium (K) 14,1%
vízoldható 14,1%
magnézium (Mg) 1,2%
vízoldható 0,6%
vas (Fe) 0,38%
EDTA kelát formájában 0,10%
mangán (Mn) 0,05%
bór (B) 0,01%
vízoldható 0,01%
réz (Cu) 0,110%
vízoldható 0,080%
molibdén (Mo) 0,009%
vízoldható 0,006%
cink (Zn) 0,014%
vízoldható 0,007%



6 hét hatástartam



Osmocote Start


  • Advantages
  • Directions for use
  • Recommended rates
  • Safe to use, no salt stress.
  • Better development of roots and crop color.
  • Uniform release: 100% coated.
  • Very efficient due to greatly reduced leaching.
  • No de-mixing of nutrients; every granule contains all the required elements.
  • Easy to apply, dust-free.
Directions for use

Osmocote Start offers a good fertilizer program for annual plants with a short growth cycle, such as violets, primulas, impatiens and marigolds. Osmocote Start is also ideal for more salt-sensitive vegetable crops and cuttings that have more difficulty with rooting.

In contrast with traditional fertilizers, Osmocote Start avoids the risks of an excessive salt level; your crop will always receive the right nutrients. The high potassium level of Osmocote Start ensures compact and even growth.

Osmocote Start can be mixed and topdressing is possible as long as you ensure that no granules remain on the leaves.

Recommended rates
  Light feeding Normal feeding
Container nursery stock 0.5-1.5 g/l 1.5-2.5 g/l
Pot plants 0.5-1.5 g/l 1.5-2.5 g/l
Bedding plants 0.5-2.0 g/l -
Vegetable young plants 0.5-1.5 g/l 1.5-2.5 g/l


The above mentioned recommended rates are based on unfertilized substrates. Please be aware that these are general recommendations. Specific situations such as use in tunnels, green-houses, or specific climate conditions require adjustments. This product is not recommended for dibbling. Contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizers advisor for more detailed advice.

Trial first on a small scale before rate, application or other changes in your cultural practices are implemented. As circumstances can differ and as the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL Specialty Fertilizers cannot be made responsible for any negative results.

Osmocote Start offers a good fertilizer for annual plants with a short growth cycle, such as violets, primulas, impatiens and marigolds. It is also ideal for salt-sensitive vegetable crops and cuttings that have difficulty with rooting.


This product is replaced by Osmocote Start, item: 8753