• oxide
  • elemental
Nitrogen Total (N) 14%
Nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3) 6.2%
Ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH4) 7.8%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 8%
Water soluble (P205) 6.0%
Potassium Oxide (K20) 10%
Water soluble (K20) 10.0%
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 2.0%
Water soluble 1.3%
Iron (Fe) 0.41%
Chelated by EDTA 0.08%
Manganese (Mn) 0.05%
Boron (B) 0.01%
Water soluble 0.01%
Copper (Cu) 0.046%
Water soluble 0.028%
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.018%
Water soluble 0.012%
Zinc (Zn) 0.013%
Nitrogen Total (N) 14%
Nitrate nitrogen (N03-N) 6.2%
Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4-N) 7.8%
Phosphorus (P) 3.5%
Water soluble 2.6%
Potassium (K) 8.3%
Water soluble 8.3%
Magnesium (Mg) 1.2%
Water soluble 0.8%
Iron (Fe) 0.41%
Chelated by EDTA 0.08%
Manganese (Mn) 0.05%
Boron (B) 0.01%
Water soluble 0.01%
Copper (Cu) 0.046%
Water soluble 0.028%
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.018%
Water soluble 0.012%
Zinc (Zn) 0.013%



12-14 Months

Granule size


Tablet 12-14M


  • Advantages
  • Usage
  • Rates
  • MSDS
  • Product Info
  • All advantages of Osmocote Exact, the safest Osmocote ever.
  • Simple & safe application; each pot receives the exact same dosage.
  • High nutrient efficiency as a result of accurate dosage.
  • After application the water soluble adhesive dissolves and the tablets fall apart. 
  • Controlled re-fertilization.
  • The tablets are locked within the growing medium; no loss of fertilizer.

For application in existing cultures, tablets should be pushed completely into the growing media. In hanging baskets place the tablets in the growing media in a circle around the plants. When drip irrigation is used, push the tablet in the growing media right under the dripper. After application and watering, the water soluble adhesive dissolves and the tablets fall apart.

The longevity of Osmocote Exact Tablet 12-14M is affected by temperature. (Product longevity is determined at 21ºC)

16ºC 21ºC 26ºC
15-17M 12-14M 10-11M

Store under dry conditions. Partly used or damaged boxes, inluding the plastic inside bag, should be closed well.


Recommended application rates for Osmocote Exact granules in g/l:

Crop 3-4M 5-6M 8-9M 12-14M
Container nursery stock 2-3 g/l 3-4 g/l 4-5 g/l 4-6 g/l
Azalea/Rhododendron - 2-3 g/l 3-4 g/l 4-5 g/l
Pot plants 2-3 g/l 3-4 g/l 4-5 g/l 4-6 g/l
Hanging baskets 3-4 g/l 3-5 g/l 4-6 g/l -

The following example shows how to calculate the number of tablets per pot or container when using the above mentioned application rates:

Granule application Tablet application

3 litre pot volume

5 g/l Osmocote Exact

Total = 15 g/pot

3 litre pot volume

3 x 5 g Osmocote Exact Tablet

Total = 15 g/pot

Important to note
Osmocote Exact Tablets are built with an environmentally friendly adhesive which is water soluble. After watering the plants the tablets fall apart and are locked within the growing medium. This system prevents the roots from pushing the tablet out of the pot. Osmocote Exact Tablets are often applied into container plants and hanging baskets right before delivery in order to ensure there is proper nutrition for the consumer.

The above mentioned recommended rates are based on unfertilized substrates. Please be aware that these are general recommendations. Specific situations such as use in tunnels or greenhouses, autumn or winter pottings or specific climate conditions require adjustments. Contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizers advisor for more detailed advice.

Trial first on a small scale before rate, application or other changes in your cultural practices are implemented. As circumstances can differ and as the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL Specialty Fertilizers cannot be made responsible for any negative results.


Coming Soon

Product Info

Coming Soon

Osmocote Exact Tablets offer you the chance to give very accurate doses of nutrients in a simple fashion. Due to its cone-like shape, the tablet can be pushed down easily into growing medium. The tablets are available in 5 gram and 7.5 gram.


This product is not produced anymore. Contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizers advisor for more information.