• oxide
  • elemental
Nitrogen Total (N) 0%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 0%
Potassium Oxide (K20) 0%
Boron (B) 10.00%
Water soluble 10.00%
Nitrogen Total (N) 0%
Phosphorus (P) 0%
Potassium (K) 0%
Boron (B) 10.00%
Water soluble 10.00%

Density (g/cc) at 20°C

1.33 ±0.01


7 ±0.5

Agroleaf Liquid B-10


10% Boron

  • Advantages
  • Directions for use
  • Compatibilities
Directions for use

Foliar spray
For crops particularly sensitive to deficiency of boron, a preventive radicular and/or foliar application of Agroleaf Liquid B-10 is recommended, dividing the dosage indicated into 2 or 3 portions. 
In woody crops is advisable to carry out preventative treatments after flowering and fruit setting, coinciding with the start of the increase of major outbreaks, and in arable crops, during the initial phases of greater vegetative growth. 
In case of a deficiency, 2 or 3 consecutive foliar applications of B-10 must initially be performed at intervals of 15-20 days, and continue, if necessary, to apply doses via the roots.

Applications during the pre-flowering (30 days before flowering) and stone hardening phase, at a dose of 150-350 cc/hl, with a total use of 800-1,000 L/ha.

Citrus and fruit
Applications during pre-flowering, petal fall, and fruit development, at a dose of 150-300 cc/hl. 

150-300 cc/hl 15 days before the start of flowering.


Do not mix with mineral oils, manganese sulphate, zinc sulphate, or with sulphocalcic compounds, acids, or strong bases. A test should be performed or the ICL Technical Department of the ICL dealer should be consulted to ascertain the compatibility of particular mixtures.

Agroleaf Liquid B-10 is a liquid fertilizer carrier of boron (B) in the form of boron ethanolamine. It is used to prevent and, if necessary, correct alterations caused by deficiency or imbalance in the assimilation of this micronutrient. It may be applied via foliar and/or radicular applications, to woody and herbaceous crops.