How to take an accurate water sample
- Test all new water sources and retest irrigation supplies twice a year to check for seasonal variation.
- Flush out the lines or hoses for several minutes with fresh water before taking the sample.
- Fill a clean bucket with the water from one source (repeat process for each water source).
- Submerge a Everris™ sample bottle or clean, unbreakable, leak-proof container that holds a minimum of 5 fluid ounces (100 ml) completely to the top, making certain there is no air space in the container.
- Close the lid tightly and clearly label each bottle with a permanent marker. Use a unique Sample ID code for each bottle. Example: Well #2, Old Pond, Mncpl H2O.
- Complete the sample questionnaire using your “Sample ID code”. Retain a copy for your records.
- Send the sample(s) and the questionnaire(s) to The ICL Specialty Fertilizers Testing Lab within 24 hours via overnight or two-day delivery.