H2Pro FlowSmart gets water moving

Helps surface water penetrate quickly
Maintains year-round playing surfaces, providing a drier surface in wet conditions
Maximizes the effectiveness of irrigation treatments
Assists with flushing of carbonates and salts from rootzones for healthy growth

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Why are wetting agents important for turf managers?

Water management is a crucial part of growing any plant and that includes turf grass, but there are two main problems with water.
First, you've got costs and the availability of suitable irrigation water. Using wetting agents will reduce the amount of irrigation water required thus reduce costs. The second problem is in the soil. Water-repellency can cause problems like dry spots, compaction and disease. Using wetting agents provide a healthy sward by distributing water evenly and then allowing drainage where it's needed.

What makes H2Pro different to other wetting agents?

ICL wetting agents are tested on surface tension, spreadability, penetration, wetting, amongst other tests and they're all conducted in-house. Prototypes are checked for phytotoxicity and performance effects on the target crop. Best performers are chosen for field trials at different sites around the world. That ensures performance on different grass types, crops and environmental conditions. We also test the product’s application rate as tank mixes with our entire turf range. That enables the turf manager to make an informed choice on whether they can mix two of ICL's products together to save time and labor out on the greens. 

The H2Pro effect

The penetrant wetting agent for a drier playing surface in wet conditions

H2Pro FlowSmart efficiently moves water into and down through the root zone, retaining a drier turf surface in periods of excessive rain. Regular use will help to maintain a good balance of water/air in the soil profile, resulting in stronger, healthier turf with a root system that is less prone to disease infections.


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