
Pomegranate cultivation is widely cultivated throughout India, Iran, China, Turkey, USA, Spain, America, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel and tropical Africa. India is the world’s leading country in Pomegranate production. Its versatile adaptability to a wide range of climatic conditions, hardly nature, low water requirement, good response to high tech-horticultural practices, high yield, returns on investment, higher than many crops of dry regions.

The main cultivator of India are:

Ganesh: This variety has pinkish yellow to reddish yellow rind colour, having light pink arils and soft seeds. Fruit weighs between 225-250 gram with medium T.S.S.

Ruby: The fruit skin is red in colour and weighs between 225-250 gram. The grains are soft, having high T.S.S.

Arakta: Fruits are dark red in colour with soft seeds and with high T.S.S.

Bhagwa: The fruit is glossy red in colour with soft seeds and high T.S.S. Fruits are tolerant to thrips and mites.