
This crop grows optimally when day and night temperatures are between 18-22 °C and 10-13 °C respectively. It prefers light textured soils, since it is very sensitive to low soil drainage. Strawberries prefer slightly acidic soils with pH 5.5–6.5. Strawberry plants are extremely sensitive to salinity, chloride and boron. Yields can decrease by 33% for each EC unit increase in irrigation water salinity, above the threshold of 0.7 dS/m. The plant absorb high amounts of Potassium at a rate twice as high as Nitrogen. Special attention must be given to iron nutrition to avoid deficiencies.

Select MAP

Select MAP


Select MAP 12-61-0, monoammonium phosphate is ideal for use in the initial growth phase of all crops, immediately before and after seeding and planting/transplanting.

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FertiFlow 19-19-19

FertiFlow 19-19-19

FertiFlow 19-19-19 has a balanced NPK analysis that is ideal for soil-based, open field fertilizer applications. The Fertiflow line is the new great value line of products for drip irrigation; great value for money !

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Select PeKacid

Select PeKacid


Select PeKacid 0-60-20 is ICL SF’ patented water-soluble PK fertilizer which is ideal for open-field and soilless crops. The product can be used in both hard-water conditions and calcareous soils.

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FertiFlow 12-6-22+12CaO

FertiFlow 12-6-22+12CaO

FertiFlow 12-6-22+12CaO has a NPK analysis that is ideal for soil-based, open field fertilizer applications. It contains extra Calcium to cure and prevent Calcium deficiencies. The Fertiflow line is the new great value line of products for drip irrigation; great value for money !

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Select Calcium

Select Calcium


Select Calcium 15.5-0-0+27CaO is the Calcium Nitrate in the ICL Specialty Fertilizers’ range. The product is the most indispensable fertilizer being applied continuously throughout the entire crop’s cycle in hydroponics. Select Calcium will help to maintain an optimum level of Calcium in the plant and will prevent or correct any deficiencies.

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