
Gronamic is a new range of organo-mineral fertilizers from ICL. Each granule combines mineral and organic nutrient sources, allowing you to incorporate all the benefits of organic sources of nutrition into your fertilizer programme without compromising on quality or reliability.

Gronamic Allround

Gronamic Allround


Gronamic Allround delivers sustained nutrition to the turf plant through the growing season. The supply of key macronutrients allows for a healthy plant, sustained turf colour and resilience from wear.

The balance of mineral and organic components provides the benefits from both approaches of turf nutrition. Supplies carbon and a balanced C:N ratio to the soil / rootzone.

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Gronamic Sport High N

Gronamic Sport High N


Gronamic Sport High N delivers sustained nutrition to the turf plant through the growing season. The supply of all key macronutrients and iron allows for a healthy plant, great turf colour and resilience from wear.

The balance of mineral and organic components provides the benefits from both approaches of turf nutrition. Supplies carbon to the soil/rootzone.

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