How to collect a soil sample for mineral testing
- For the most useful results, sample soil every 4 weeks at the same time interval after feeding or watering.
- Collect 1.5 – 2 cups of soil in a ICL-SF™ sample bag or in a clean plastic bag.
- We recommend sending a composite sample to create an average reading that applies to an entire landscape. Take core samples from the root zone from 8 or more points in the area to be tested.
- Seal the bags securely and clearly label each one with a permanent marker. Use a unique Sample ID code for each bottle. Example: Property #31, Southwest Lot.
- Complete the sample questionnaire using your “Sample ID code”. Retain a copy for your records.
- Send the sample(s) and the questionnaire(s) to The ICL Specialty Fertilizers Testing Lab within 48 hours via overnight or two–day delivery.