New fungicide ‘Avatar’ targets damping off and root rot

12 October 2015
  • Whastsapp

A new dual action systemic fungicide ‘Avatar’, targeting damping off and root rot in ornamentals, was launched by ICL (formerly Everris) at the Four Oaks Trade Show today. 

“Containing the two actives fosetyl-aluminium and propamocarb hyrochloride, Avatar has proven efficacy against oomycete diseases including Pythium spp (causing damping off) as well as Downy Mildew in broad leaved crops,” explains ICL technical manager Andrew Wilson.  “Additional benefits against other oomycete diseases, such as Phytophthora, species can be expected.  

“This combination of actives works by preventing mycelia growth and penetration, spore production as well as germination.  It also indirectly stimulates plant natural defences, through Systemic Acquired Resistance.  Being a co-formulation, resistance management is also improved.”

Supplied in an easy to use liquid formation, Avatar can be applied as a drench, foliar spray or via drip irrigation.

ICL recommend applying Avatar as a protectant programme before infection occurs.   To ward against root disease in seed sown crops, applying as a drench at sowing with a repeat application 24 hours prior to pricking out.  For plug production, plants should be drenched before potting with a repeat application 10 -14 days later.  To protect against downy mildew foliar spraying is recommended.