
Jagoda optimalno raste kada su dnevne i noćne temperature između 18 i 22 °C, odnosno 10 i 13 °C. Preferira lagana tla, s obzirom da je vrlo osjetljiva na slabu isušenost tla. Jagode zahtijevaju blago kisela tla s pH razinom između 5,5 i 6,5. iznimno su osjetljive na sol, kloride i bor. Prinos se može smanjiti za 33% sa svakim povećanjem EC vrijednosti vode za navodnjavanje iznad 0,7 dS/m. Jagode apsorbiraju velike količine kalija, dvostruko više od potrebnog dušika. Posebno treba paziti na nedostatak željeza.

Agroblen 18-5-11+4CaO+2MgO | 3-4M

Agroblen 18-5-11+4CaO+2MgO | 3-4M


Agroblen 18-5-11+4CaO+2MgO* is a fully coated NPK controlled release fertilizer. It has enough nutrients to feed the strawberry plant for 3 -4 months. This continuous supply of nutrients creates a fantastic uniform crop growth.


* As regulations may differ per country the Calium Oxide level might not always be claimed on the label

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Agroblen 18-5-10+4CaO+2MgO | 2-3M

Agroblen 18-5-10+4CaO+2MgO | 2-3M


Agroblen Total 18-5-10+4CaO+2MgO is a fully coated NPK controlled release fertilizer. It has enough nutrients to feed the strawberry plant for 2 – 3 months. This continuous supply of nutrients creates a fantastic uniform crop growth.

Additionally, calcium is included to encourage cell wall development and plant growth. Lastly, magnesium is included to enhance photosynthesis and plant energy.

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Agroleaf Power Calcium

Agroleaf Power Calcium


Agroleaf Power Calcium sprječava i ispravlja nedostatke kalcija u situacijama poput: prekomjerna evaporacija i usjevi osjetljivi na kalcij, kao što su salata, kupus i voće.

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