Sub Dress Osmocote® Successfully

December 12, 2017
  • Whastsapp

Sub-Dress Osmocote® Properly - Make Sure Your Plants Don’t Go Hungry

One of the methods of application used with Osmocote® is sub-dressing.  Sub-Dressing is the process of partially filling media in the container, applying Osmocote®, and topping off the pot with more media at planting.   

Is this is the method you use to apply Osmocote® or are you thinking of Sub-Dressing?  

  • Place Osmocote® at 1” to 1.5” below the surface of the media.  You may be able to go a bit deeper in a larger container, but make sure the fertilizer is towards the top. 
  • Irrigation and rainfall will carry the nutrients from the plant based resin coated prills from the top toward the bottom of the media and where it is taken up by the roots of the plant.  If you place the fertilizer closer to the bottom of the container the nutrients can leach from the container much easier. 
  • If you would like to improve your operations nutritional program, we have ICL Specialty Fertilizers Territory Managers on call and covering North America; we are always more than happy to help you out. 


Nelson Gonzalez

[email protected]

Territory and Key Accounts Manager - Southern Florida