The Continue to Learn programme at BTME 2018 is quickly shaping up to be the biggest and best event ever, and BIGGA has once again teamed up with ICL to provide a massive opportunity for members to get involved.
BIGGA and ICL understand that attendance at Continue to Learn comprises a significant investment for yourself and your club and therefore you may never have been able to attend before now.
That’s where the ICL Continue to Learn Scholarship can help. The scholarship offers five BIGGA members the opportunity to attend the education programme by providing three
nights’ hotel accommodation and a 15-hour education bundle, worth over 500 euros.
Lyle Davidson, deputy head greenkeeper at The Carrick on Loch Lomond, was a part of the first ever scholarship programme at BTME 2017.
He said: “Winning a place on the ICL Continue to Learn Scholarship was brilliant. Being one of the first group of five scholars, sponsored by ICL, to have the opportunity to attend the
amazing education, BTME and to network with other greenkeepers was invaluable.
“I returned to my golf club with renewed passion for the job and many new friends. I would urge anyone to apply for the ICL Continue to Learn scholarship, after all, you’ve got to be in it to win it!”.
To be eligible for a scholarship, you must be a full member or assistant greenkeeper (in training) member. You should also be CPD active and be able to attend BTME and Continue to Learn 2018, from 21-25 January.
ICL’s Ed Carter said: “Last year’s ICL scholarship was such a huge success and we’re delighted to be able to again offer this great opportunity. “As BIGGA Partners we’re keen to ensure that every BIGGA member has access to the incredible education on offer, and this scholarship is a great way for greenkeepers who may not otherwise be able to afford to attend BTME and Continue to Learn to get involved.”
BIGGA Head of Member Development Sami Strutt said: “ICL has long recognised the significant investment that greenkeepers make in developing themselves throughout their careers. BIGGA members are an ambitious bunch, no matter what course they are at or where they live. “But sometimes financial constraints mean they aren’t able to take advantage of the great opportunities made available to BIGGA members, and so it’s fantastic that ICL will once again help five members head to Harrogate for what promises to be another incredible week of education.”
For more information and to apply visit